Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I think that the international space station was a really cool idea in the beginning. But also, I think that the idea is kind of dead in it's own shoes. It has lived out it's prime and needs to have modifications before we should even consider putting so much money into it. I do believe that space is our future but I also believe that at the moment, the international space station is dead in it's own tracks. We are still constantly pouring money and other resources into it's upkeep and and renovation. It is annoying that this has happened but for it current purposes I think that it is fairly useless. I think that we need to go further into space and once again push the boundaries. It was so exciting back in the day, or at least so I hear, and I remember how big of a deal it was to watch the launches when I was a kid on TV. We even got to miss class to crowd around the TV and watch in awe as the rocket lifted off with a ball of fire. I think that died when we decided that the moon was all we were aiming for. We need the drive back to explore the unexplored and get excited about maybe being the first people or nation to get there. But that's only a wish, and far off in the future. But until then, we need to stop pouring funds into useless missions that result in nothing new.

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