Monday, August 30, 2010


So, for my first assignment I read my sister’s blog. I didn’t read it because it was interesting, I read it because I was assigned to read a blog and was too overwhelmed with all of the possibilities. So, I stuck to what I knew. After glancing back over the blog to identify (hopefully) some of the rhetorical devices that she uses when she puts up a new post. The problem is, I really don’t think that she is thinking that much about rhetoric when she is posting. I mean, maybe she is but I seriously doubt it. She uses some imagery, the one rhetorical device that you can find almost anywhere. This general lack of English savvy is because her “blog” is less of a blog and more of a facebook. She generally just posts a bunch of pictures of her kids and people comment on them. I suppose she try to write little blurbs about what one sees happening in the pictures, but, even there, the rhetoric is weak. She may throw in a climax to a story or maybe a hyperbole MAYBE personification or a simile every once in a while. But, basically as I said before I doubt she really plans out what she is going to say before hand and even when she is writing it doesn’t think, “WOW I really should use an alliteration right now!” I doubt very many people who are writing casually think about using those specific tools.

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