Monday, September 13, 2010


Im not really sure if there is even a significant amount of people in college and high school now a days who still don’t have a facebook. I think facebook is a little annoying but that is only because I now have something to do instead of my homework. It definitely makes things harder when you are trying to get your work done. I can spout out some shit that it helps keep people in touch and stuff but that is not the primary reason people use it in mu opinion. I think teenagers are so nosy and self-conscious that they need to support of their peers to feel good about themselves. What I mean is girls make sure to put their very best pictures up on facebook so other people can see how pretty they are and comment on it. People also use facebook to see what other people have been doing without them. I think that this is a big deal because everyone wants to be doing things that make them look cool. Frequently, you see pictures of alcohol, drugs, or scarcity of clothing. This is all because people want other people to notice them and give them approval. They think that if something is sort of taboo then it is cool and they will look cool doing it. I guess I am not different. I like facebook. I am 19. I really think that they go together like peanut butter and jelly.

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