Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Life

This post is going to be about what is happening right now in real time! How exciting! It is like you are me at this exact moment! Well, I have to pee. I am listening to Phish’s album Junta on my MacBook Pro. I am sitting in the Fisher Student Union. The bagels smell yummy. I am about to go eat soon. There is a pregnant chick sitting next to me. On the other side of me is a dude listening to his iPod. Oh, two people just hugged. That’s nice. I have a stuffy nose. This is the worst part of my day thus far. I have blown my nose about a kajillion times and it always gets stuffy again in like 2 seconds. Plus, I have my nose pierced and this does nothing good for my stuffy nose. I keep sniffing. I know this is kind of gross but I can’t help it. Though, I bet the people next to me really wish I could help it. I am not a fan of skinny jeans on guys. Sure, some guys can pull it off. But more times than not they cant. I also don’t like it because it makes a lot of guys look skinnier than me. And that is totally uncool. I don’t want to look like I cant beat you up dude. I love Phish they make me very happy. They are upbeat and have some rad lyrics. I wish I could see them in concert.

Pet Peeves

So this post is going to be dedicated to things that annoy me. I get really irriated when I really really have to pee and the bathroom is so far away. When I am so thirty I am convinced that I am going to die of thirst and the only thing that is available to drink is pop. When people lie. I am super against this. I don’t lie and I don’t think that anyone else should. It is stupid and pointless. You should never be ashamed of what you do because you obviously thought it was a good idea when you did it. I am not saying that you shouldn’t make mistakes but you shouldn’t try to cover them up and make yourself seem like someone you are not by lying. One of my biggest pet peeves by far is when people try to set the silverware up correctly and they don’t do it right. Especially when they put the blade of the knife facing away from the plate instead of towards the plate. That just really irks me. Oh I also hate when my iPhone changes my words into some other stupid word. Like it always chooses words that no normal person would ever use. I also really do not like when girls wear leggings as pants. Like really people? Really? They are NOT pants. I do not know who told you they were cute as pants because they must have been on acid. It is not cute. At all.


So I just had to take a test in my religion class about Taoism. It’s really interesting. Ever since I first learned about Taoism in high school my freshman year I have been interested in it. Well actually I used to hate it. It is not really a religion so much as a philosophy or a way of living your life and bettering yourself. One of the coolest, but also most frustrating, aspects of Taoism is the fact that you cannot define anything. Because if you define it you give it purpose and then limit the thing that you defined. Everything has endless possibilities. Who is just an average human to say what something, like a rock, is for or to do? Technically you aren’t supposed to name anything because even that limits it and gives it a specific purpose. It is a pretty chill way of living though. Of course it has it awesome saying that seems to too good to be true, or impractical to live by. But it also brings up a bunch of points that would honestly make life a lot chiller and more meaningful in my opinion if we lived by those sayings. Some points that Taoism brings up the fact that one should live for one not for others, to do what is right. And one of my personal favorites, not to make yourself look like a pompous ass by saying things over eloquently and things that you just don’t know what you are talking about.

The Patriot Act

After reading Paul Rosenzweig’s essay drafted in response to the criticisms of the Patriot Act I thought about my direct involvement with the act and how it affects me. I believe that it is hard to think of what one would give up for the security and promise of freedom when we forget how it felt to be powerless and threatened. The months after September 11, 2001 we all, as a nation, were willing to give up almost anything in order to ensure our safety. But, as the years go by, we forget what it was like to feel so helpless and we start to get uneasy about the freedoms that we have already granted the government. I think that I would be willing to give up almost any of my liberties in order to stay safe from a terrorist attack. I mean if I am dead then I guess it doesn’t matter if I gave them up of not. People are so fearful of our government. And it is not that I don’t think that a government can easily become corrupt but the fact that we vote these people into office and let them lead the country we need to give them our full support and all the tools that they need to keep our country and us safe. We cannot constantly be worrying that they are trying to screw us over it is just impractical. Though it may be hard sometimes we need to put our faith and respect into these people.