Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Patriot Act

After reading Paul Rosenzweig’s essay drafted in response to the criticisms of the Patriot Act I thought about my direct involvement with the act and how it affects me. I believe that it is hard to think of what one would give up for the security and promise of freedom when we forget how it felt to be powerless and threatened. The months after September 11, 2001 we all, as a nation, were willing to give up almost anything in order to ensure our safety. But, as the years go by, we forget what it was like to feel so helpless and we start to get uneasy about the freedoms that we have already granted the government. I think that I would be willing to give up almost any of my liberties in order to stay safe from a terrorist attack. I mean if I am dead then I guess it doesn’t matter if I gave them up of not. People are so fearful of our government. And it is not that I don’t think that a government can easily become corrupt but the fact that we vote these people into office and let them lead the country we need to give them our full support and all the tools that they need to keep our country and us safe. We cannot constantly be worrying that they are trying to screw us over it is just impractical. Though it may be hard sometimes we need to put our faith and respect into these people.

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