Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Life

This post is going to be about what is happening right now in real time! How exciting! It is like you are me at this exact moment! Well, I have to pee. I am listening to Phish’s album Junta on my MacBook Pro. I am sitting in the Fisher Student Union. The bagels smell yummy. I am about to go eat soon. There is a pregnant chick sitting next to me. On the other side of me is a dude listening to his iPod. Oh, two people just hugged. That’s nice. I have a stuffy nose. This is the worst part of my day thus far. I have blown my nose about a kajillion times and it always gets stuffy again in like 2 seconds. Plus, I have my nose pierced and this does nothing good for my stuffy nose. I keep sniffing. I know this is kind of gross but I can’t help it. Though, I bet the people next to me really wish I could help it. I am not a fan of skinny jeans on guys. Sure, some guys can pull it off. But more times than not they cant. I also don’t like it because it makes a lot of guys look skinnier than me. And that is totally uncool. I don’t want to look like I cant beat you up dude. I love Phish they make me very happy. They are upbeat and have some rad lyrics. I wish I could see them in concert.

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