Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pet Peeves

So this post is going to be dedicated to things that annoy me. I get really irriated when I really really have to pee and the bathroom is so far away. When I am so thirty I am convinced that I am going to die of thirst and the only thing that is available to drink is pop. When people lie. I am super against this. I don’t lie and I don’t think that anyone else should. It is stupid and pointless. You should never be ashamed of what you do because you obviously thought it was a good idea when you did it. I am not saying that you shouldn’t make mistakes but you shouldn’t try to cover them up and make yourself seem like someone you are not by lying. One of my biggest pet peeves by far is when people try to set the silverware up correctly and they don’t do it right. Especially when they put the blade of the knife facing away from the plate instead of towards the plate. That just really irks me. Oh I also hate when my iPhone changes my words into some other stupid word. Like it always chooses words that no normal person would ever use. I also really do not like when girls wear leggings as pants. Like really people? Really? They are NOT pants. I do not know who told you they were cute as pants because they must have been on acid. It is not cute. At all.

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