Tuesday, April 6, 2010

words i over use

I have never sat down and thought about words that I over use. I am guessing that I use the same words over and over again. Most people do in my opinion. This is the reason that you can see a phrase written down and be able to identify the speaker. Probably like most teenagers, especially girls, I use the word like a lot. And probably um. I have noticed that as I have gotten older I have started to use more childish phrases or words and saying from older days. I think this is really cool. I obviously don’t have a good sense of what is cool or not. I have taken to saying ‘play’ instead of saying ‘hang out’. I think that it is cute. Its not that I try to use language that isn’t appropriate for my age group or my era I just think that everyone talks the same way and I was to be different. I guess it is just my conditioning that I want to be an individual. I try to not over use words. I just like to spice things up and use different wording.  One phrase or word that I use a lot, and that I am very upset that I do, is the word ‘gay’. I hate that people saying something is ‘gay’ if it is uncool. I cant act as if I don’t say it. I mean I was a middle schooler too once. But I think that is a word that is used in the wrong way a lot. 

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