Thursday, April 22, 2010

I hate cool people. it is utterly annoying when people think that they are really cool and better than everyone else. I mean they are so up tight. They are too embarrassed to do anything in public for fear that people will think it is lame and not cool. I mean people need to not care what other people think. And I think that that confidence is what makes people attractive as a person. It makes you want to be around them. I am not saying everyone needs to be loud and obnoxious, just not concerned with what is cool or the norms. It is said that people act this way because they are self conscious. And this is obviously true. I mean if you aren’t comfortable with yourself you are going to look to others for that assurance. It makes you feel better. Right I am eating pasta. And it is pretty good. And it like to eat at school. I think its because I feel like I am getting food for free when in reality it is prepayed. I think that it is a great idea. It makes you want to buy lots more food. The only bad thing is now I am in the habit of eating at certain times of the day and I eat out of habit instead of hunger. But I guess this isn’t that bad of a thing because I need food to learn and to nourish my brain!

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