Thursday, April 22, 2010

So I think there is literally an app for everything these days. So I was calling the pharmacy at Wallgreens yesterday to get my script refilled. When you call you have to go through one of those voice automated telephone trees. Anyways as soon as you push the ‘1’ to be connected to the pharmacy you hear a bad recording of some lady’s voice saying, and I quote, “want to fill your prescription over your iPhone? There’s and app for that”. This past sentence was complete with a bad imitation of the popular TV commercials that Apple puts out for the iPhone apps. So I am typing all this on my MacBook Pro, and unlike the iPhones, my computer does not recognize that Apple brand name technologies. I think that is pretty funny. But then again I am using word on my computer. And that is a Microsoft company. I bet if this was made by Steve Jobs instead of Bill Gates then it would for sure have the Apple products listed as words in the internal dictionary. Anyways, I have a bug bite on my foot and I cant stop scratching it. It really sucks. A lot. Like why won’t it stop? This is so annoying. I think I am making it worse by scratching it. Because now it kind of burns and itches. And I am a strong believer that nothing on your body should burn and itch.

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