Thursday, April 22, 2010

I have so much to do. I feel like I always do. Right now, I need to go get ready for school. But, alas, I am still writing blogs. (notice the use of ‘alas’ and refer back to an older post) see I learn and adapt. Go me. So I am listening to the new Wiz Khalifa, Kush & Orange Juice. It is okay. I don’t know a lot of people like it. I am just kind of over listening to rappers rap about how they ravage girls in bed and how much money they have. Oh, and of course how much weed they smoke. They really aren’t that cool. I don’t know. They just use a lot of profane words and put a beat to it. I mean its not that I don’t like rap. Because obviously I do or else I wouldn’t be listening to it right now. I have no clean clothes. I just thought of that. Like really I do not know what I am going to do when I get out of the shower. It sucks. I never have clean clothes. I am so bad about doing laundry. I think it is my least favorite chore ever. So I rarely ever do it. And frankly that’s not a good idea. So I always have to find some clothes that are actually clean. I have to wear that stuff that no one ever wants to wear but they still own. So that’s uncool. I have realized that I pretty much say the same thing in all of my blogs.

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