Thursday, April 22, 2010

I have to write probably like a thousand more of these blogs. So anyways, I really want to watch the TV show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer but I can’t for fear the air conditioning repairman that is here will judge me. I mean where he is working is right outside of the living room in the hallway. And I just feel like if I started watching a slutty, 16 year old girl kill badly FXed vamps he would evaluate, and probably not for the better. Most people would ask why I would possible care what he thought of me, but I honestly don’t know. So I have been on this Buffy kick lately. I think it is because I finished watching all of the Weeds series and then I needed another TV show. I picked Buffy because it isn’t too serious, when I come home from school I don’t want to be dealt all sorts of emotional dramas, I want bad acting and hot actors. But I think the main thing that drew me to the show was the fact that there are seven or eight seasons. I hate shows that you get really into and then there just aren’t anymore. So I took precautions to prevent that from happening. Some other TV shows that I want to watch is The Vampire Diaries. I know absolutely nothing about this show I just saw an ad for it and I like vampires and I like hot boys. This TV show has a little of both from my understanding.

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