Monday, April 12, 2010

One thing that annoys me is when you are texting someone and having and good ol conversation and then they just stop talking. Like that. So warning no nothing. It is so aggravating. Also something that annoys me is when someone texts you and they ask a question that would elicit a big long reply and you call them and then they don’t answer. Like you are obviously with your phone I mean you just text me. Unless you text me then threw your phone into a large body of water I expect an answer to my rings. Its annoying. My biggest pet peeve though is when people try to set a table and set the silverware wrong. Like if the blade of the knife is point away from the plate instead of towards it, I have to fix it. Like come on people we all know how to set a table and if you are trying to do it right then do it right. It takes the same amount of time to place the knife the wrong was as it does to place it the correct way. Another pet peeve of mine is when people drag their feet while they are walking. Like on my goodness no one wants to listen to that! Pick up your feet. It takes almost the same effort and sounds a lot better. You also look kind of stupid when you drag your feet. It makes you slouch or hunch or something. Just not stand correctly.

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