Monday, April 12, 2010

One of the things that I have noticed more now that I am in college is the fact that a lot of people are really religious. I am not sure if people just didn’t talk about it as much in my high school or what. Maybe it is a southern thing. Advocating it, not religion. I am not that dense. Anyways, since being down here I feel like a lot of people speak out more for their God. This isn’t a bad thing I guess. Just a different thing. I love religion. I think it is so interesting. To be truthful the thing that sparked my interest when I was younger was the Karl Marx quote, “religion is the opiate of the masses”. I think that is just perfect in describing what religion is to people. Whether their faith is accurate or not aside, they use the calming effects of religion to ease their pain I suppose. Death is scary but it is also inevitable. Actually, you will probably speed up your death if you worry about it all the time. They have totally linked stress and heart attacks. Maybe instead of religion we should just all use opiates. But that doesn’t seem like a very good idea. I don’t want the guy that is operating on me high as I kite. I guess that’s also where weird cults come from. They just want to feel a sense of purpose and belonging and future. Though, I don’t think that would sway me to drink cyanide punch.

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