Thursday, April 22, 2010

Its 8:33 in the morning. I am up. So naturally this means that I am not a happy camper. Normally on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have to get up at 10. I got up today at 8. So not okay. So I am tired. And the air conditioning repairman is here. Obviously, this means that I my air conditioning is broken, which is also not okay. So I am sitting kind of close to where he is working. This is because I live in a apartment and I don’t really have anywhere else to sit. I mean I could go into my bedroom but if he needs to ask me something that would be weird if he like came in to get me. Especially because it is really messy, as always. But, the rest of my house is clean and tidy. I cleaned it yesterday with the help of some friends. Anyways, there are benefits to me getting up early, which I never ever do. And those are the fact that I can eat a good yummy breakfast and drink my coffee in peace at my house. I always bring a travel mug of coffee to school but I like sitting on my couch and drinking it out of my awesome red artistic mug. This also saves me money because I doubt I will be starving right after class like usual. I feel like an ad for getting up early. But really the advantages are nice but I think I would still rather be sleeping.

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