Thursday, April 22, 2010

i hate facebook groups. I really don’t understand their purpose. I guess to show people what you like and what you don’t. maybe what you are interested in and it will help find you friends that are also interested in the same thing. I am not saying I am not in any facebook groups because I am, I just join ones that are funny and I laugh at. But honestly once I join them its not like I ever go to their page. I honestly don’t think that I could find their pages even after I have joined them. And why do they have walls? Is it so people can write things like “yeah!” and “I love this!”. I suppose so. But I mean don’t we already know that you like/agree with it if you joined the group in the first place. Anyways, girls are all trying to grow their hair out. And I think that since your hair grows on average only half an inch a month, by the time they grow it out it will be uncool to have long hair and they will have to cut it off. And I will laugh. Wow that sounded kind of mean. I don’t think I meant it to be. I just am just saying it I going to take a long time to grow those locks out. Plus long hair is hard to maintain. So that will probably cause a problem with a bunch of those girls.

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